This is a collection of graphics and memes that we’ve featured either in our articles or on our social media accounts. Please feel free to use our memes in any of your personal or professional social media accounts to spread Humanism Theory, to encourage critical thinking, or simply to inspire others. We only ask that you do not modify our images in any way. We do not approve of any modifications of any kind, including cropping the images at all. Some of the quotes are from the STH and some are quotes borrowed to inspire. However, we own the digital creation of these images ask that you please respect that and use them as is.
To save images: On your mobile device, just hold your finger down on the image that you wish to use and save it to your device to upload on your social media account. On a desktop, simply right click over the image of your choice and choose ‘Save image as…” to navigate on your computer where you wish to save it on your computer.
We encourage you to spread our memes to help promote critical thinking, logical reasoning, love for all, continuing evolution of our species, openmindedness, and overall inspiration for a beautiful life. Keep thinking…keep questioning…keep growing…keep learning…keep evolving in empathy and love for all humans. Thank you to all of our dear friends.